Super Awesome-ize your wedding with these fun and cool ideas
Selfie Station
Yes we love taking selfies, why not set up a selfie station for your wedding. Your guests will throng there.
Video Booth
Kick up a notch your wedding with a video booth. Have your guests leave you well wishes and messages.
The ever so charming Polaroid photos
You could use this fun idea for seating chart or guest book.
Giant Jenga
The Jenga is as cool as it gets whether mini or life size. It’s perfect for that lovely lawn wedding.
Jenga Guestbook
You could ask your guests to leave a message on the Jenga blocks and sign it, and you have the most amazing guest book that you can reminisce every game night.
S’mores Bar
S’mores station is a hit with people of all ages. It doesn’t get sweeter than this.
Shot Bar
Well this one is a no brainer. Bottoms up! Because no great party started with someone eating a salad.